Protein Palce

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sugar Cookie Protein Shake

I don't think I have ever meet a cookie that I did not like. So if you were able to make a protein shake taste like a cookie then that would be a win for both the taste buds and the body. Well here is a recipe for a sugar cookie protein shake that will make your taste buds and your muscles happy.


½- frozen banana (63g) 

¼- cup quick oats 

Splash of vanilla extract (1/2 Tsp.) 

8oz- Light almond milk 

2- packs "Sugar in the Raw" 

2-Scoop protein powder (vanilla) 

2oz- light whipped cream
Combine all ingredients and mix until desired smoothness. Top with whipped cream sprinkled with sugar packets. 

Macronutrient Breakdown:
Total Calories: 520
Carbohydrates: 65g
Fat: 6g
Protein: 55g

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